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Wealth Management

Wealth management teams face multiple challenges. Firstly, dealing with an array of financial data, documents, and client information can be overwhelming. Secondly, manual tasks like data entry and document creation can consume valuable time that could be better spent on client-focused activities. Lastly, the financial industry's demand for error-free, consistent, and compliant documents adds to the complexity of their daily operations.

Harnessing the power of document automation and generation, alongside effective data capture and utilization, equips professionals to not just adapt to their client's constantly changing needs but also to keep pace with an ever-evolving, highly regulated industry.


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How Kim Helps

Kim streamlines the document automation and assembly process of documents related to client onboarding, investment and financial planning, compliance and regulatory documents, estate planning and client communications. Featuring rich content and clause repositories, as well as user-friendly online forms, Kim simplifies and standardizes the capture of data and uses that data to generate single documents or suites of documents.

Wealth management teams can quickly generate initial drafts of documents and seamlessly collaborate on them with both internal teams and external stakeholders.




Document automation has traditionally been associated with complexity, requiring specialized project teams and expertise in specific tools, but not with Kim. Most organizational documents—such as letters, forms, checklists, compliance records, and contracts of low and medium complexity—can be automated without the need for specialist teams.

create operating procedures

Operational Efficiencies

Kim doesn’t just automate your documents. It activates them, transforming them into standard operating procedures that enable straight-through data processing. This not only reduces the need for manual data rekeying but mitigates the risk of human errors when transposing the same information multiple times.

Multiple integrations



Kim offers the advantage of effortless integration with REST-enabled platforms like Salesforce, Pipedrive, DocuSign, Jira, monday.com, ServiceNow and MS 365. These integrations allow for seamless communication between different systems, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow without the need for manual interventions.

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Discover the possibilities of Kim!

Discover the transformative power of Kim as it goes beyond document automation. Imagine the efficiency of conditional document assembly and automatic generation of multiple documents from a single source. For instance, imagine Kim swiftly creating all the necessary documents for a new client based on a new business intake form. From welcome letters to client agreements, Kim seamlessly handles the entire process, making it a game-changer for your workflow.


Create Applications

Make your MS Word documents work smarter by activating them. Tag them and transform them into applications ready for use anywhere.


Document Automation

Quickly generate initial first draft documents and share them seamlessly with internal and external stakeholders through various channels.


Document Assembly

Create documents by leveraging rules and customizable content and clause libraries. Kim’s user-friendly online form further simplifies the document assembly process.


No-Code Webforms

Create and share your no-code web forms effortlessly with clients via email, Kim's Client Portal, or self-service application links.


Data Flow

Reduce the need to manually rekey data by capturing it once using the online forms and then automatically pushing the data to multiple systems.


Standardize Data Capture

With Kim’s online forms, you can receive information in a standardized, reusable format, which can be easily integrated into other systems for analysis.


With Kim Document you can be live, in minutes, with one or more of our templates below.

'Click & use' (or quickly amend to suit your organization) and any or all of these documents will be available in your personal and secure Kim Document portal. You can then collaborate with your team and/or your clients and suppliers.  Document generation just got easier.

Web formBlood Transfusion Consent Form

Use this form to manage support requests coming into the legal team. It ensures a consistent process and data capture, including attachments. It enables clear instructions that you can prioritise and work on.

Simply publish the link to the form on your intranet or elsewhere. When a user clicks the link the form opens and they provide the requested information and then submit. The user receives an email confirming receipt and you have a complete instruction to review and action.


You can be live in minutes with a consistent and easy process.


Preview form


Select where you would like your document to be hosted and begin.

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Send a linkCareer Interest Survey

Self-service is a key way to deliver effective business support plus free the legal team so it can focus on higher value work.

You determine what documents are suitable for self-service in your organization and you upload them into Kim and make them available to appropriate audiences (users) with full data tracking and insight.


This is an example of a self-serve document from oneNDAoneNDA is a crowd-sourced, open-source non disclosure agreement that has been created by the legal community. And it’s entirely free to use.


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Outside Counsel MgmtHospital Referral Form

To control and manage costs, and to ensure that only appropriate matters are allocated to law firms. All legal departments need a consistent way to approve the appointment of outside counsel.

This form provides a simple way for Users to submit requests to use Outside Counsel and for the legal team to review and approve / decline.


Using industry standard matter types and other lists it also provides consistent data capture and reporting.


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sign up_1

Insurance Termination Letter

This form helps you evaluate, in a standard format, potential suppliers to your organization and/or its subsidiaries and covers products and services.

All you do is send a link to the supplier. They click the link, open the form and provide the requested information. You can then review the responses, discuss them internally, and revert to the supplier with additional questions.


It also provides a record you can make available to internal compliance or external regulators.


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sign up-1

Patient Payment Agreement

This form helps you evaluate, in a standard format, potential suppliers to your organization and/or its subsidiaries and covers products and services.

All you do is send a link to the supplier. They click the link, open the form and provide the requested information. You can then review the responses, discuss them internally, and revert to the supplier with additional questions.


It also provides a record you can make available to internal compliance or external regulators.


Preview form


Select where you would like your document to be hosted and begin.


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Below are some of the integrations that Kim offers. We're always adding to this list so if you don't see one you work with then get in touch.

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What people say


Robert Taylor, CEO of 360 Law Group

We are always looking for ways to deliver better client value, increase efficiency and streamline our operations across the 100 jurisdictions in which we operate. When we first saw Kim, we thought that it was too good to be true: a great combination of globally scalable functionality that is easy to use and deploy at affordable business software prices. We are excited to not only use Kim but also to showcase and take it to our clients who we also believe will benefit significantly from adopting it.


Adrian Jaggard, CEO Taylor Rose

A significant increase in license fees from our existing provider triggered our review of other tools. We're glad it did. It showed us what is now possible. Kim will help us digitize our operations and better serve our clients and teams. It saves us time and money and helps our business and IT strategy. We are excited by the opportunities.


Andrew Powell, CIO

We are using Kim Document to automate our supplier questionnaires and related documents as part of our vendor onboarding process. It was quick to make live and has helped reduce time and effort onboarding new suppliers.


Tony McKenna, Director of Information Technology

Kim Document, for us, was a no-brainer due to the simplicity of use and the attractive price point. Kim will help the firm automate those documents that aren’t high value enough to justify a full-blown document automation platform but where they would still like control over the data collected.


CISO, International Bank

Kim gives organizations the ability to have no-code form creation which enables unstructured data to be put in a structured format.

Ann Pruitt, Executive Director

Kim’s no-code Document and Automation-as-a Service Platform empowered us to automate our legal helpline process, enabling our service to scale exponentially and allowing team members to deliver value at the highest level.

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Kim Document@3x
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Kim Document

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Kim Enterprise@3x
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Kim Enterprise

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Intelligent Automation
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Intelligent Automation

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