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The no-code, global legal operations & contracting platform

Free legal, contract and compliance teams to focus on higher value work, using actionable data to make informed risk/allocation decisions


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Kim Enterprise

Proven with global organizations in a range of sectors including financial services, pharma, technology and professional services, Kim is to the legal, contracting, compliance and related functions what Salesforce is to sales, Workday is to HR, SAP is to finance. Kim is a global operations platform with thousands of users in over 25 countries.

Video: The story of Kim

Similar Destination

Similar destination

Corporate legal departments may be at different starting points, but they all have a similar destination. To free their scarcest resource, their people, to focus on higher value work. To do things better, faster, cheaper.

To have actionable data to help pre-empt issues, manage risk and support the organizations strategy. To make a difference.

Different Roadmaps

Different roadmaps

With different starting points legal teams take different routes. They move at different paces; sometimes accelerating, sometimes braking. Occasionally they stop, review their plans and change routes. But the destination, an effective and digitized legal service delivery model, plus an eco-system combining self-service, automation, managed services, the internal legal team and outside counsel, is becoming a norm.

Enabling Simplicity

Enabling simplicity

With a complex environment and common headwinds (rising legal, regulatory and compliance demands, the need to do more with ever-tighter budgets, the pressure to retain and recruit the right talent, and the need for data), there is a thirst for simplicity. A need to have an underpinning legal operations platform.

Sales has Salesforce. HR has Workday. Finance has SAP and legal now has Kim.

Legal has Kim

Legal has Kim

Applicable to all work types. Intake and allocation, self-service, workflows., case/matter management, templates (contracts, letters, forms, checklists, etc.), document generation and automation (including playbooks and clause libraries), supervision, escalation, approvals, SLAs, search, audit and live/trend dashboards, repository, REST API integration layer (including 'meet users where they are in the tools' they are familiar with'). One platform. One code base. One data model.

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Case Study

Learn how Kim helped TALS almost double their helpline capacity by automating their processes...


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Press Releases

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What people say


Robert Taylor, CEO of 360 Law Group

We are always looking for ways to deliver better client value, increase efficiency and streamline our operations across the 100 jurisdictions in which we operate. When we first saw Kim, we thought that it was too good to be true: a great combination of globally scalable functionality that is easy to use and deploy at affordable business software prices. We are excited to not only use Kim but also to showcase and take it to our clients who we also believe will benefit significantly from adopting it.


Adrian Jaggard, CEO Taylor Rose

A significant increase in license fees from our existing provider triggered our review of other tools. We're glad it did. It showed us what is now possible. Kim will help us digitize our operations and better serve our clients and teams. It saves us time and money and helps our business and IT strategy. We are excited by the opportunities.


Andrew Powell, CIO

We are using Kim Document to automate our supplier questionnaires and related documents as part of our vendor onboarding process. It was quick to make live and has helped reduce time and effort onboarding new suppliers.


Tony McKenna, Director of Information Technology

Kim Document, for us, was a no-brainer due to the simplicity of use and the attractive price point. Kim will help the firm automate those documents that aren’t high value enough to justify a full-blown document automation platform but where they would still like control over the data collected.


CISO, International Bank

Kim gives organizations the ability to have no-code form creation which enables unstructured data to be put in a structured format.

Ann Pruitt, Executive Director

Kim’s no-code Document and Automation-as-a Service Platform empowered us to automate our legal helpline process, enabling our service to scale exponentially and allowing team members to deliver value at the highest level.

Visit our other

Solution Pages

Kim Document@3x

Kim Document

For small, mid and large organizations

Take your existing letters, forms, checklists, contracts or compliance records and with no training, turn them into web applications that self-serve users and/or generate additional documents from the data. Embed standard operating procedures in your organization and reduce friction. Live in minutes, accessible from your browser or MS Teams.

Go to Kim Document
Kim Intelligent Automation

Kim Intelligent Automation

For small, mid and large organizations

Kim assists IT functions and knowledge workers to capture data and use that data to both generate one or more documents and seamlessly populate other core organization systems. One Kim application delivering straight through processing to one or multiple REST enabled systems. Reducing ‘time to market’ from weeks to hours.

Go to Kim Intelligent Automation

Contact Us

Excited and want to know more? Get in touch with us and we will be very happy to tell you more about Kim.

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