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Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

Every small and medium-sized (SME) business is unique and, therefore, faces its own challenges. However, some are indicative of them all: rising costs, attraction and retention of talent, improving both the client and employee experience, trying to do more with less, and competing with their more significant competition.

These organizations should be looking to take advantage of digital transformation to support growth and give them a competitive advantage. This is where document automation, document assembly and having the ability to capture data in a structured way can help. 

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How Kim Helps

Kim is a no-code, cost-effective document automation and assembly solution with powerful APIs that integrate with your existing systems. It's quick to get started and requires no specialist skills or in-house developers.

The best bit is that we use what you already have - your existing Microsoft Word documents, forms, letters, etc. meaning we maintain your brand, style and fonts because we don't alter the format of your content. 

Simplify Processes

Simplify Processes

In SMEs, where resources are limited, document automation simplifies the creation process. Kim's intuitive form wizard minimizes manual data entry, allowing you to capture information once and generate complete document sets or integrate data into other systems, efficiently boosting productivity and freeing up time for more critical tasks.


Cost Efficient

Document automation is the key to eliminating repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks,  reducing time and labour costs. Not only does Kim seamlessly integrate with your current tech stack, but it also scales to meet your evolving document generation needs, all without imposing a substantial burden on your team's workload.

Compliance & Legal


Consistency in documents is crucial for both brand identity and legal compliance. Kim ensures that all documents adhere to your organization's requirements and contain the most up-to-date information. Many industries have strict regulatory requirements, and Kim helps you comply, reducing the risk of legal penalties.

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Discover the possibilities of Kim!

Organizations are harnessing Kim's capabilities to automate document creation, efficiently generate multiple documents from a single form, and seamlessly integrate data into various systems. Kim is leading the way in digital transformation by making once cost-prohibitive automation accessible, allowing organizations to rapidly digitize their operations and prioritize processes that were previously deemed too expensive to automate. 


Document Automation

Automatically generate a suite of documents quickly and easily and then share them with internal or external stakeholders through various methods. 


Document Assembly

Kim simplifies document assembly by creating user-friendly form-based questionnaires, incorporating conditional rules and pulling content from your personalized content and clause libraries. 


Template Management

Tag your existing documents and upload them into Kim to use as templates. This guarantees uniformity and minimizes risk, as team members always begin with the most up-to-date version. 



Use Kim to send one-to-many campaigns both internally and externally. Monitor the responses, configure automated reminders to those who don't respond and oversee the entire process.  


Standardize Data Capture

Kim helps you make data-driven decisions by allowing you to capture data in a standardized format through the no-code web forms. You can then analyze or push the information into other systems. 



Kim integrates with REST-enabled platforms, including DocuSign, Jira, monday.com, ServiceNow, and MS 365, providing accessible pathways to low-code solutions that improve processes and boost overall efficiency. 


With Kim Document you can be live, in minutes, with one or more of our templates below.

Just 'click & use' (or quickly amend to suit your organization) and any or all of these documents will be available in your personal and secure Kim Document portal. You can then collaborate with your team and/or your clients and suppliers.  Document generation just got easier.

Client SurveyClient Survey

Use this template to send a branded satisfaction survey to all your clients today as part of a campaign. Or you can send the survey to clients after individual matters have closed.

Either way, you will get helpful feedback that will help you improve your service and/or pre-empt any issues.

If you receive positive results, you can share them anonymously as part of your PR and marketing efforts.

The consistent use of these best practice questions and responses allows you to benchmark your performance over time.


Document Preview


Select where you would like your document to be hosted and begin.

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Kim EU    Kim UK    Kim US


Corporate TransparencyCorporate Transparency Act (USA)

The Corporate Transparency Act has been designed to combat money laundering schemes. Use this form to help your clients report quickly and accurately.

On September 29, 2022, the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued a final rule on the beneficial ownership and applicant reporting requirements of reporting entities under the Act.


The effective date for the Rule is 1 January, 2024.


Document Preview


Select where you would like your document to be hosted and begin.




 Kim US


Infosec TrainingInfoSec Training Compliance

For your internal processes, customer confidence and regulatory compliance, you must demonstrate that all team members have attended the required InfoSec training course.

You can send this form to all team members with one click of a button. You can then track response rates, send reminders to slow responders, and bulk download all the data (and the documents) to provide to an internal/external auditor.


Compliance management is made simple and easy for you and your colleagues.


Document Preview


Select where you would like your document to be hosted and begin.



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Kim EU    Kim UK    Kim US


Self-service is a key way to deliver effective business support plus free the legal team so it can focus on higher value work.

You determine what documents are suitable for self-service in your organization and can then upload them into Kim and make them available to appropriate audiences (Users) with full data tracking and insight.


This is an example of a self-serve document from oneNDAoneNDA is a crowd-sourced, open-source non disclosure agreement that has been created by the legal community. And it’s entirely free to use.


Document Preview


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Supplier Questionnaire

Supplier Questionnaire

This form helps you evaluate, in a standard format, potential suppliers to your firm and/or its subsidiaries and covers products and services.

All you do is send a link to the supplier. They click the link, open the form and provide the requested information. You can then review the responses, discuss them internally, and revert to the supplier with additional questions.


It also provides a record you can make available to internal compliance or external regulators.


Document Preview


Select where you would like your document to be hosted and begin.


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Kim EU    Kim UK    Kim US



Below are some of the integrations that Kim offers. We're always adding to this list so if you don't see one you work with then get in touch.

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Questions to Consider

Managing your documents can become a substantial administrative burden...


Learn how you can reduce the administrative burden on your team with Kim in this video...

What people say


Robert Taylor, CEO of 360 Law Group

We are always looking for ways to deliver better client value, increase efficiency and streamline our operations across the 100 jurisdictions in which we operate. When we first saw Kim, we thought that it was too good to be true: a great combination of globally scalable functionality that is easy to use and deploy at affordable business software prices. We are excited to not only use Kim but also to showcase and take it to our clients who we also believe will benefit significantly from adopting it.


Adrian Jaggard, CEO Taylor Rose

A significant increase in license fees from our existing provider triggered our review of other tools. We're glad it did. It showed us what is now possible. Kim will help us digitize our operations and better serve our clients and teams. It saves us time and money and helps our business and IT strategy. We are excited by the opportunities.


Andrew Powell, CIO

We are using Kim Document to automate our supplier questionnaires and related documents as part of our vendor onboarding process. It was quick to make live and has helped reduce time and effort onboarding new suppliers.


Tony McKenna, Director of Information Technology

Kim Document, for us, was a no-brainer due to the simplicity of use and the attractive price point. Kim will help the firm automate those documents that aren’t high value enough to justify a full-blown document automation platform but where they would still like control over the data collected.


CISO, International Bank

Kim gives organizations the ability to have no-code form creation which enables unstructured data to be put in a structured format.

Ann Pruitt, Executive Director

Kim’s no-code Document and Automation-as-a Service Platform empowered us to automate our legal helpline process, enabling our service to scale exponentially and allowing team members to deliver value at the highest level.

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Solution Pages

Kim Document@3x
For all organizations

Kim Document

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Kim Enterprise@3x
For global corporations

Kim Enterprise

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Intelligent Automation
For all organizations

Intelligent Automation

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Seeing is believing

Book your demo to see how Kim Document can help you achieve your tactical and strategic objectives quickly and cost-effectively.

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Get in touch with us and we will be very happy to tell you more about Kim.

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